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Microsoft Deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online.

Read what this means to you by clicking the image above

It's no mystery (nor a surprise) that threat actors are actively taking advantage of employees working from home. Protections that were built to protect organizations on-premise no longer secure remote workers.

Learn More about Security in the new Landscape HERE

Your staff is your weakest security link and that's even more true today with so many working remotely facing increasing cyber risks. Your staff is also your greatest asset, so show them that you value them by getting them trained to combat the cybersecurity challenges they're now facing - let them know they're not alone and you support them.

Learn More about critical training HERE


While we specialize in cybersecurity solutions, there’s professional organizations (in other critical infrastructure sectors) we often collaborate with, to help support the community.

How Secure is Zoom?

Seemingly overnight, Zoom has become one (if not the) most popular way to conduct remote conferences and meetings. The immediate need for remote worker communications and collaboration created a huge demand, and their offering of free 40 minute calls certainly helped spike it’s new popularity.

Find out more HERE


Infragard National Members Alliance

COVID-19 Awareness

Learn More Here!


March 22, 2020

Received on behalf of Infragard (partnership between the FBI and members of the private sector), we wanted to share this great resource in support of awareness and education for dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. Please share it with your friends, family and colleagues.

Read more here!